One great thing about Quiltworks is that there is always something new when you stop in. One new thing that caught my eye a couple of weeks ago is the art of needle felting–I had no idea what it was, so thought I’d share with you what I’ve learned. Needle felting is the technique of felting/tangling one piece of wool to another using barbed needles. The needles take the wool fibers from one piece and drag them through the other piece where they tangle and attach the two pieces. A wool roving is a piece of wool which has been combed, drawn into a clump, and then twisted slightly to hold the fibers together and to prepare them for spinning.
Christine tells me she will be teaching needle felting in the Winter Session of class offerings at Quiltworks if you are intrigued to learn more. For those who have already discovered this art form, check out the products available on-line and in store At Quiltworks Studio.

Always learning!